A Few More Branding Things!

branding social media Sep 26, 2019

This is a short video, so short it needs no explanation.


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Branding PT 2


In continuation with branding here are three more ideas for you.

1. Be Consistent with your topics on Social Media.  For example if you are a life coach you would post about blenders and mixers.

2. Post regularly.  You would not believe how much this helps you get noticed.

3.  Connect with Influencers.  Connect with someone with a lot of followers that has the same ideal client as you do.

Hope this helps.  Have a good week.

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Social Media Branding PT 1

Uncategorized Sep 11, 2019

Have you considered that social media branding is important!  Today's video is about 3 ways that are key to your branding. 

1. Making sure you are on the right platforms.  If you are selling a fidget spinners you do not want to be on Linkedin.  Choose the right platforms to market your business.  If you are selling jewelry the Facebook is the way to go.  

2.  Never overlook the visuals in your branding.  Logo's and color are key factors in your branding.  Starbucks does it well with there green color and their logo.  It's on everything from websites to social media to their coffee cups. 

3. Develop your real voice.  This takes time.  I think Nike does this well with "Just Do It"  And Armour does it well with "I Will".  You can move these slogans around by also using a hashtag.  #iwill #justdoit

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Is Your Social Media Marketing Going To The Dogs?

Uncategorized Sep 05, 2019

Are you doing bad with social media, lately.  Is your social media marketing bad?

1.  It could be that you are spread too thin.  You don't have to be on every social media platform. Pick one and do well at it.

2.  You are consistently ignoring context?  This happens when you have scheduled your posts for 30 days and a live event happens and you totally ignore.  

3.  It could be you are talking too much and not listening.   Everyday we should be listening to learn what people are say so we can market better.

4. All chit chat and no strategy.  If you are aiming at nothing you will get nothing.  If you have no strategy in place and are just posting you will not accomplish much.

5.  Vice Versa all strategy and no chit chat.  If you don't act human once in a while you are failing big time.  Don't be that person who never talks.  

I hope these 5 points help you get moving with social media.

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Do You Check These 3 Things On Linkedin?


I believe that you should check these 3 tab on Linkedin Monday through Friday!

1.  The home tab: When you go to the home tab there is a "Who's viewed your profile" hyperlink that you should click.  This is right under your small picture and description. Know who views your profile helps in seeing if you are attracting your idea clients.

2. The My Network tab:  This is where you accept who you want to connect with.  Remember to write a person note when connecting with people.

3. The Message tab.  This where people send you messages.  This week I connected with so many people who wrote me message.  This is important in keeping the dialogue going..

Please remember look in these 3 tabs it could be vital to growing your business. 

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3 Ways To Grow Your Connections On Linkedin!

Uncategorized Aug 15, 2019

I wanted to share just 3 of many ways that you can start growing your Linkedin connections.

1.  Always post a status update at least once a week.  If you have time post more.  These posts should be full of relevant content that will help your ideal client.

2. Personalize every request to connect. Don't use the canned message that Linkedin gives you.

3.  Join some groups where your Ideal clients.  After you join make sure you listen to what people are saying in the group.  Answer any questions you can.  Share relevant content but don't sell in these groups.  Being in groups with your ideal clients will also help you with your marketing plans. 

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Some Linkedin Etiquette For You!


Linkedin is great for networking, but are you doing it right.  A lot of people on Linkedin lack etiquette when it comes to reaching out to someone.  This video shares some examples of good and bad reaching out.  

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Are you stuck on writing content?

Uncategorized Jul 18, 2019

I know the struggle is real!  LOL  Seriously people ask me all the time how do I find the things to talk about and write about.  So I thought I'd share a few things that I do when I'm stuck.

1.  I make two lists that I gather from both FB and Twitter.  The first list is I look for those readers who follow me and see what kind of content they like.  Those readers or (ideal clients) give me plenty content ideas.  The second list is a list of influencers.  This is a great list because influencers are so busy being influencers that sometimes they don't look at there social media newsfeeds.  I get subject matter from their posts and I also see the content that is popular with their audience and if it's similar to my audience, it sparks a writing idea for me.

2.  Follow some poplar hashtags.  This will give you ideas of what's being posted and how the audience is responding to these post.

3. Read some industry magazines. See...

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3 Important Points To Content Marketing


Over and over again people are always asking me about content marketing on Social Media.  I always say content is KING!  As a Vlogger I am always creating content.  And I keep these important points in mind.   Your content should be valuable, relevant and consistent.

Valuable – The people who read or watch your content must get something out of it. They should come away feeling like they’ve learned something that coincides with their lives and values.

Relevant – Your content must address their wants, needs, and interests. Be an expert that they can come to for answers. Show your audience that you get them or know what is important to them.

Consistent – I say this all the time with social media marketing, be consistent. Effective content, delivered over a period of time, makes you instantly noticed. The feel, and writing style – and of course the meat of your writing  – should speak with the same voice that helps...

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3 Things You May or May Not Know About Twitter!


These 3 things are important to know about Twitter.

1.  Tweets between 3pm and 6pm will be very effective.                   I find that if I tweet on other times I don't get the same results.

2. Ask your twitter followers to retweet you.                                        If you don't ask not many will ever retweet you.  In fact if I ask I noticed an increase by 4x.

3.  For every 100 twitter users I follow I will get about 25 to 30 followers.  


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