What does your Twitter Bio say?

Uncategorized Jun 21, 2019

Here are some tips to write a twitter bio for your profile.

1. State clearly what you do. Your audience should be able to know what you exactly do.

2. Use keywords in your bio.

3. If you want people to remember you, use a funny/unusual line in your Twitter bio. Do you have a quirky personality? Let the world know about it through your author bio. Only use this if it's really who you are.

4. Include hashtags in your author bio. This will help you connect with similar people and people who are looking for you. 

5. A Twitter bio without call-to-action will not help you generate leads. So to make your website a lead generation machine, you must include a call-to-action in your Twitter bio.

6. What is your biggest achievement? Have you achieved something recently? If so, you should mention it in your Twitter bio. Doing so will work as social proof. For example I wrote a book so I put it on my BIO.

7. Lastly if you can fit it in your bio use some emojis :) This will make you stand...

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What to Tweet!

social media tweet Jun 13, 2019

1. Tweet A Video!   Why should you post videos on Twitter?  82% of users watch video on Twitter that’s   why!  Also Videos are 6x more likely to be retweeted than photos and 3x more likely   than GIFs according to twitter.   What should be the subject matter of these videos?  Post educational videos, trending   topic videos in your industry or behind the scenes videos.                                                 

Make the videos short!

2. Ask a question in a tweet.  If you’re using twitter for your business you can ask opinion questions on a topic or something industry related.  I recommend making sure your tweet has something to do with what you do for living.                  

Tweet it out as a text or make a nice...

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Should Your Business Be On Twitter?


Many people ask me if their business should be on Twitter.  And I say absolutely!  Here are some reasons I think you should be on twitter.

1.  Getting or (Collecting LOL) followers will help you business. This is a great way to communicate with your followers and give them important information

2. You can research your competitors and other businesses on Twitter.  You can learn from them and get ideas.

3.  You can engage more with customers.  See how they're engaging with you posts and what they like and don't.  

These are just a few reasons why you should be on Twitter.  Over the next month I will be diving deep into Twitter. Until then, happy tweeting!

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It's all about the sound quality!


The truth is no one will watch a video with poor sound quality. Bad sound quality is worse than bad image quality.  So here are my top 4 tips to recording a video with good quality sound. 

  1.  Invest in a decent microphone.  I recommend a PowerDeWise mic.  You can get it for under $23 on Amazon.
  2. Position the microphone correctly.  It's important not to have the mic too far away or too close.
  3. Minimize background noise.  Don't record a video in a construction zone or where someone is playing loud music.
  4. Speak clearly. The best way to speak clear is to slow down. 

So I hope these tips help you and if there is anything I can do to help you make better videos let me know.

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What is your message on your video!


Messaging is really everything. 3 things you should be clear about in all of your videos.  

1. What is your message?  

2. Be Inspirational!

3. Live your message!

I hope this helps as you continue to make videos for your business. 

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The Excuses We Make For Not Making A Video!

video video marketing May 16, 2019

I'm always encouraging my clients to do a video and post it on Social Media.  These are the excuses they make and the lies they tell themselves. 

1.  I don't have enough time.  Seriously don't use this excuse.  Just put a schedule together and do it.  Put it on your calendar.  

2.  I don't have the right equipment.  You don't have to have an expensive camera.  You can produce a video right from your IPhone or Android.  All you really need is a great mic and tripod which you can get on Amazon for under 100 dollars.  

3.  I suck at video.  I hear this one all the time.  I don't look good.  I don't video well.  I don't have anything to say.  No one will watch me.  Just get over all the vanity stuff and do it.

Stop using these excuses!  Stop telling your self the lies.  Your message matters and you need to get that message out.  And honestly the best way to do share...

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One Video Editing Tool I use!

Uncategorized May 13, 2019

This is the best editing tool that is an app on the phone.  It's great because this is where I record all my videos.  It's called KineMaster.  And Google Play and I-tunes has the app.  Above is quick tutorial to get you started but the best way to a learn it is to download the app and play around with it.

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Video Marketing Plan!

video video marketing May 01, 2019

Do you have a video marketing plan in place?  You should!

(Ask Yourself These Questions)

  1. What will be the topic? I theme the month.  This month is video marketing, last month was Linkedin and before that was email marketing.  Just make sure you plan these topics ahead of time so you can research what you need too.
  2. Will it be an educational video, an emotional videos, or entertaining videos?  I personally like educational videos for my audience!  So many don't understand social media marketing and I just like to help them by educating on my expertise.
  3. Will you video have a Call To Action.  Not all videos need or should have a CTA but if you do plan that out ahead of time.  What you're going to ask them to do and where are you going to send them.
  4. When will you produce them?  Weekly, Monthly, you decide.
  5. Where will you marketing them?  On FB, Instagram, YouTube and your website.  Put them on something.  Let people see them.
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Uncategorized Apr 25, 2019

I want to encourage everyone this week to stop playing small on Linkedin.  Make sure when you are connecting with people you are being personal.  Write personal notes.  Don't write a canned note, write something that is meaning when you are reaching out to someone.  The other thing you want to do is nurture your connections.  Make sure you are learning about them.  Lastly, don't sell.  That is so rude.  Get to know and have a relationship with your connections.

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Gaining Exposure with more Linkedin posts!

Uncategorized Apr 16, 2019

Every time you publish a post or article on LinkedIn are they showing up on the feed?  Are the people seeing the posts? The algorithm on Linkedin determines whether the content shows up in the feed and how far of the audience it reaches.

In the video above I share posting styles in the order of getting the highest views: (at least this is the truth today)

1. Text only posts:  You can have up to 1300 characters in a personal post

2. Text & image:  Add an image if it really adds to the value to your post

3.  Video post:  Please keep it under a minute and only talk about one topic. Don't bore people!

4. Text with a link:  LinkedIn as with other social sites wants to keep you on their site as long as possible so they give less favor to outbound links. So use this style as a last resort!

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