Is Your Social Media Marketing Going To The Dogs?

Uncategorized Sep 05, 2019

Are you doing bad with social media, lately.  Is your social media marketing bad?

1.  It could be that you are spread too thin.  You don't have to be on every social media platform. Pick one and do well at it.

2.  You are consistently ignoring context?  This happens when you have scheduled your posts for 30 days and a live event happens and you totally ignore.  

3.  It could be you are talking too much and not listening.   Everyday we should be listening to learn what people are say so we can market better.

4. All chit chat and no strategy.  If you are aiming at nothing you will get nothing.  If you have no strategy in place and are just posting you will not accomplish much.

5.  Vice Versa all strategy and no chit chat.  If you don't act human once in a while you are failing big time.  Don't be that person who never talks.  

I hope these 5 points help you get moving with social media.


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