Social Media Branding PT 1

Uncategorized Sep 11, 2019

Have you considered that social media branding is important!  Today's video is about 3 ways that are key to your branding. 

1. Making sure you are on the right platforms.  If you are selling a fidget spinners you do not want to be on Linkedin.  Choose the right platforms to market your business.  If you are selling jewelry the Facebook is the way to go.  

2.  Never overlook the visuals in your branding.  Logo's and color are key factors in your branding.  Starbucks does it well with there green color and their logo.  It's on everything from websites to social media to their coffee cups. 

3. Develop your real voice.  This takes time.  I think Nike does this well with "Just Do It"  And Armour does it well with "I Will".  You can move these slogans around by also using a hashtag.  #iwill #justdoit


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