Are you stuck on writing content?

Uncategorized Jul 18, 2019

I know the struggle is real!  LOL  Seriously people ask me all the time how do I find the things to talk about and write about.  So I thought I'd share a few things that I do when I'm stuck.

1.  I make two lists that I gather from both FB and Twitter.  The first list is I look for those readers who follow me and see what kind of content they like.  Those readers or (ideal clients) give me plenty content ideas.  The second list is a list of influencers.  This is a great list because influencers are so busy being influencers that sometimes they don't look at there social media newsfeeds.  I get subject matter from their posts and I also see the content that is popular with their audience and if it's similar to my audience, it sparks a writing idea for me.

2.  Follow some poplar hashtags.  This will give you ideas of what's being posted and how the audience is responding to these post.

3. Read some industry magazines. See what they are writing about.  This is a good clue to know what subject matter you should be writing about.

4.  Spend an hour brainstorming ideas once a week. Write down your brainstorming ideas.  This will always help you keep your content fresh.



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