How Not To Become A Linkedin Spammer

LinkedIn is a great way to connect with other professionals in your field, but it can be difficult to know when it's appropriate to reach out.

So what is the "S" word on LinkedIn? S stands for spam. Spamming others on LinkedIn is never okay, and if you're doing it, you need to stop immediately.

Just this morning I got a connection request from someone who wanted to connect with me. And their note said "I will do Facebook marketing, fix ad account issues and run conversion ad. If you want to hire a freelancer then feel free to knock me at". Obviously, this person did not even look to see what I do for a living—they just saw that I'm in the same industry as them and sent out an invite without even reading my profile! This is just one example of what not to do.

If you want your connections on LinkedIn to be meaningful, get to know each other first! Don't just randomly send out invites without knowing anything about their background or interests; take the time to get to know them...

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What You Need To Know About Posting Content On LinkedIn.

If you're a social media marketer or SEO, you know that LinkedIn is one of the most important networks to work with. It's generally not thought of as the go-to network for driving traffic and ranking on Google, but this shouldn't be the case. Many people are still getting their feet wet when it comes to using LinkedIn for posting content, but it shouldn't be this way.

LinkedIn has some key benefits that make it a great place to post content:

  1. It has a built-in audience. LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network, with over 400 million members in over 200 countries and territories. That means that your content will be seen by people who are actively looking for the information you're providing!
  2. It's easy to measure success. Every post on LinkedIn can be tracked with a variety of metrics—from a number of likes, comments, and shares to how many times it was viewed and for how long. This makes it easy for you to see what kinds of posts are performing well and which ones...
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Is your social media content boring?

The world of social media is changing fast. It's becoming more and more difficult for businesses to keep up with trends and make sure their content stands out from the crowd. You need to be sharing content that's relevant to your audience, but how do you do that? We'll show you how.

If you want people to engage with your content, make sure it's engaging.

If you want people to engage with your content, make sure it's engaging. If you're not sure whether or not your social media posts are interesting enough for people to read and share, try asking friends who aren't in the same industry as you what they think of them. You might be surprised by their answers!

Boring content is the last thing you want.

Boring content is the last thing you want. If your social media is boring, people will stop following it and move on to something more engaging. And if they don't, then that's even worse--you'll be stuck with a bunch of followers who don't actually care about what you're posting!


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The Art of Creating Relationships on Linkedin.

One of the best things about Linkedin is how it helps you network with other professionals and meet new people. Connecting with people on LinkedIn is a great way to build relationships.

Relationships are the core of what makes Linkedin work. But what are they?

Relationships are connections between two people who have interacted in some way (shared a connection or commented on each others posts). This interaction can be as simple as liking another person’s post, or commenting on it. The more interactions you have with someone else, the more likely they are to accept your request for a relationship.

Everyone wants to have a lot of connections and that's great! But the key is to connect with people who are relevant to your goals. Always know the reason why you want to connect. So when you create relationships with people on LinkedIn, you're not just building a network of contacts; you're building a community. Whether you're looking for ways to grow your company or just get to...

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How to “Be” on Social Media!

social media Mar 20, 2023

Social media is a powerful tool for your business. The more you know about how it works and how to use it, the better your business will be. Sometimes we forget about the obvious so I want remind you of 4 very important things you should always be doing on social media.

  • Be Yourself
  • Be Consistent
  • Be Positive
  • Be Helpful

Tip 1 - Be Yourself.

This is where a lot of people go wrong. Be yourself by being authentic, not by acting like someone else. You’re a person just like everyone else. In fact, it’s with your real personality that you help others and influence your community. But sometimes it can be so easy to slip into the monotone world of corporate marketing, and pretend that we’re all robots in a big machine. You don’t have to pretend or be artificial for success on social media. You can simply be yourself, share big ideas with champions who want to support your cause, and have a lot of fun doing it! Share your real self with the world!

Tip 2- Be Consistent...

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A Special Holiday Message!!

christmas new year Dec 23, 2020

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!

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Linkedin Lurkers Exist!


Linkedin lurkers exist so how can you reach them?

You already have.  How can you get them to comment?

Heres a couple ways:

  1. Ask some questions
  2. Post articles and use 2 to 3 hashtags.
  3. Use some emojis every once in a while.

Comments are important Why?

 LinkedIn’s algorithm some how sees a posts performance in what I call the magic hour.  If your post receives no comments, reactions or shares in the first 60 minutes, they will likely replace your post with a better performing post in the feed everytime.

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The "S" word on Linkedin


What is the "S" word on LInkedin?  S stands for Spam.  Don't be that person that spam others.  This morning I got a connection request from someone who wanted to connect with me.  And their note said "I will do Facebook marketing, fix ad account issues and run conversion ad. If you want to hire a freelancer then feel free to knock me at". Obviously this person did not even look to see what I do for living.  This is just one example of what not to do.

Please get to know someone before you invite them to buy something.



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The Art of Creating a Relationship on Linkedin.


Be genuine and authentic when creation relationship.  Today's video is about what not to do when creating relationships on linked and what to do.

Don't be that person that sells right way after you connect. 

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Distracted on Linkedin?


So many things get us distracted in life, we don't need to be distracted on Linkedin.  

I know when you first go Linkedin it can be overwhelming at first.  But I want to encourage you to not try to everything.  Just do one thing.  Maybe it's connecting with someone.  Maybe it's posting something.  What ever you have to do make sure you have a strategy behind it.  

I also encourage you in this video to help me help you by filling out a short survey.  

Please click the link below.

Thanks in Advance!  



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