7 Ninja Tweaks to Skyrocket Your Restoration Company’s Google Ads ROI

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, Google Ads stands as a colossus, offering a beacon of opportunity for restoration companies. With a landscape as competitive as the peaks of Everest, standing out is not just a goal, it’s a necessity. This guide isn’t just about navigating the Google Ads terrain; it’s about mastering it. You’re about to embark on a journey through seven transformative tweaks, each a stepping stone to elevate your Google Ads ROI to unprecedented heights.

1. Understanding Your Target Audience The Heart of the Campaign

  • Pinpoint Your Ideal Customer: Imagine your perfect client. Are they commercial property managers reeling from flood damage, or homeowners distressed by fire? Knowing who you’re targeting is half the battle won.

  • Demographics & Psychographics: Age, location, income level – these aren’t just data points, they’re the compass that guides your ad targeting. Dive deeper. Understand their fears,...

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SEO Secrets Revealed: 5 Quick Wins to Boost Your Restoration Website Traffic Overnight

In the digital era, visibility is the lifeline of any business, especially for restoration companies. The competition is fierce, and the difference between a thriving business and an overlooked one often lies in effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO). But fear not! The secrets to unlocking a flood of website traffic are at your fingertips, and they're easier to implement than you might think.

Understanding the Basics of SEO for Restoration Websites

First things first, let's demystify SEO. In simple terms, SEO is the art and science of making your website more appealing to search engines like Google. For restoration companies, this means not just any traffic, but traffic that converts – local homeowners and businesses in need of your services. Local SEO, with its focus on geographically-related searches, is your golden ticket. Think about it - when disaster strikes, your potential clients are searching for quick, local solutions. Keywords like "water damage repair in [Your...

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5 Google Ads Hacks to Flood Your Restoration Company with Leads

In the fast-paced digital world, Google Ads stands as a beacon of opportunity for restoration companies. Like a lighthouse guiding ships through stormy seas, Google Ads can illuminate the path to abundant leads and thriving business. This post unveils five transformative hacks, each a beacon in its own right, to revolutionize your Google Ads strategy.

Hack 1: Geo-Targeting for Precision Marketing

Imagine casting a net that only snags the fish you want. That’s geo-targeting.


  • The What and Why: Geo-targeting allows you to target ads to specific geographic locations. For restoration companies, whose services are often urgently needed and locally provided, this is a game-changer.
  • The How-To: Start by identifying the areas where your services are most in demand. Then, tailor your Google Ads campaigns to these locales. Include local landmarks or references in your ad copy to resonate with a local audience.
  • Real-World Success: Case studies show restoration companies...
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Going Deeper With Social Media

Social media is everywhere. If you’re like me, you know you have to be engaging on it. I confess, I’m not always on it, and I do social media marketing and management for a living. Crazy, huh? It can feel like there is so much content out there, there’s nothing new to be said. And I want my content to be engaging and relevant and new. So I’m on a mission. My mission is to go deeper on my blog, with social media, and in my life.

So how in the world am I going to do that in a culture on information overload? I feel like an information junkie. Do you ever feel that way? I’m sure we all have at one point or another. Start by engaging. I’m going to ask you a couple point blank questions: Are you engaging with your list and your various connections on social media? What are you doing to engage them? Here are three steps for engaging.

1. Talk to them, not at them!

I’m learning this over and over again—when I talk to people by adding a human...

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Creating Opportunities and Opening Doors with Social Media

There is a great quote by Milton Berle that I just love: “If opportunity does not knock, then build a door,” In other words, don’t sit around and wait for an opportunity, go out and work and make one. At least, this is what it means to me.

Social media is no different. You have to build that door! Are you making your own opportunities? I believe one of the biggest opportunities out there for small business is social media marketing. The problem is, most of us are missing it. I would like to share with you three opportunities for you to create by using social media.

1. Listen first, and then engage.

I believe if you will listen, you will find an opportunity somewhere to connect and engage with potential clients. Start visiting various targeted groups. Listen to what is going on in that group, and then start commenting on the posts or answering some questions. People will take notice, and some will want to know more about you. That’s how relationships are...

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Social Media Game Plan Execution

Ready, Set, Hike! American Football is one of those sports that relies heavily on strategic game plans. One of the most fascinating things about football is seeing whose plan—and whose execution—is better. The best-prepared team wins. As in football, social media marketing benefits from strategic planning. If you want to be successful in your social media marketing, a strong plan and faithful execution are essential.

It starts with one little step. That first step is the hardest! For the sake of your business, take that one step. You will thank me later. 

There are a few things you need to know about social media plans. 

  1. You cannot follow a template that belongs to someone else.
    Why? It’s important you make your plan according to what you need in your business for your marketing success. The plan should be in your unique voice!
  2. This marketing plan is written not to get money from the banks.
    That’s a business plan. And if you haven’t got a...
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Creative Strategies That You Should Try!

Sometimes we need to be creative when we are implementing social media strategy. Try these right away and see what works for you.

1. Ask Questions: This is the easiest strategy. Be straightforward with your questions and make it sound like you really want an answer. One idea is to ask for advice. Your audience’s opinion matters and believe it or not, people love to give opinions. Plus, they like to help. Another kind of question you could ask is what their favorite is and make it relate to something in your business.

Also, you can make the question visual by having them pick something. Whatever it is, you decide and have fun with it.

 2. Try organizing a contest! This strategy works very well. When hosting a contest, there are some things important for its success. You must be very clear on the rules. Make sure the rules can be understood. Pick a prize that has something to do with your business. And make the deadline doable.

3. Tag and share others’ content. I...

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Post Content that is Successful

When I browse through the different posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, I sometimes wonder if there was any thought at all put into some of the messages. My strategy for posting relies on four pillars: fun, relevance, emotion, and honesty.

Here are a few of my thoughts on how you can create great social media content that engages by sticking to these four tenets. These are the questions I ask myself before I post anything.

1. Is it fun? If you are just doing it because you think you have to, then you may as well not do it at all. I have a blast posting, sharing, and connecting with others. There is an excitement about it. I advise you to keep the excitement going. Don’t post out of obligation but post out of the joy of connecting and giving to others. Make your audience laugh. Laughter sometimes is the best medicine! Sometimes having a sense of humor goes a long way!

2. Is it relevant? Here is where it gets trickier. Post content that drives your ideal audience to...

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What is your Message on Social Media?

I’m a person who loves walking on the beach. Every once in a while, I find a great shell or a very cool rock. One time I found a bottle with a message in it, and it wasn’t S.O.S. (Who remembers the song “Message in the Bottle” song by Police?) It was a yellow piece of paper that said: You are loved. I don’t know who sent it, but the message was clear, and for the rest of the day, I was quite encouraged. Why am I telling you this? I’m telling you this to spur you on to make sure your message is clear and out there when you are working on social media posts for your business. Here are some pointers for you:

1. Keep it simple, short and sweet. Sometimes the shorter, the better. I love Nike’s slogan: “Just Do It.”

It is short, but you get the point. You don’t want to put your audience to sleep with a long and drawn-out post.

2. Always post relevant content. There is a question I always ask myself when posting. Will this...

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Connecting to the Right People on Social Media

It’s so important to follow the right people while you are using different social media platforms. Doing so will generate more warm leads for your business, and it will grow your business. These are some of the strategies I use to find and follow these people.

1. Start with people you know. This could be long-time friends or someone you just met at a networking event. The idea is to connect with people you could help with your services. Brainstorm ways to find people to connect with. I usually go after former clients I enjoyed working with. This makes for a perfect following.

2. Find strategic influencers in your field. They will help you connect with others. Share their content. Study what they do. Find out who they are following. Learn everything about them.

3. Always build relationships first. You should begin creating a relationship of “know-like-trust” with all your connections. Do this before you start asking them to buy something. Show them that you want...

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