Yawn! Is your Content boring on Social Media?

Uncategorized Aug 20, 2020

"Mediocre content will hurt your brand more than doing nothing at all" - Joe Pulizzi

Does your online content lack excitement?  Do you ever feel like you are repurposing, writing and rewriting the same thing over and over again?

To be honest if you answered yes to any of those questions above your content marketing isn't good.  

So if your content lacks excitement or zest, stop what your doing and and switch it up. I get it sometimes your in a content rut and you can't find your way out of it.  

Here are a few ways  to switch it up:

1. Make some lists and then post them. Why because they are easily skimmed.

2. Posting "how to's" are great.

3. Post some trends and newsworthy items.  Make sure they are relevant.

4.  Opinions and reviews are great to post too.  People care about what your opinion is.  And if you do a review social media is a great place to make someone else look good with a great review 

5.  Be entertaining....

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Don't Play Small On Linkedin!

Uncategorized Aug 13, 2020

I want to encourage everyone this week to stop playing small on Linkedin. 

1.  Make sure when you are connecting with people you are being personal.  Write personal notes.  Don't write a canned note, write something that is meaning when you are reaching out to someone. 

2. The other thing you want to do is nurture your connections.  Make sure you are learning about them. 

3. Lastly, don't sell.  That is so rude.  Get to know and have a relationship with your connections.

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Growing Connections On Linkedin!


I wanted to share just 3 of many ways that you can start growing your Linkedin connections.

1.  Always post a status update at least once a week.  If you have time post more.  These posts should be full of relevant content that will help your ideal client.

2. Personalize every request to connect. Don't use the canned message that Linkedin gives you.

3.  Join some groups where your Ideal clients.  After you join make sure you listen to what people are saying in the group.  Answer any questions you can.  Share relevant content but don't sell in these groups.  Being in groups with your ideal clients will also help you with your marketing plans. 

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What's holding you back from doing a Video?


What are your excuses for not doing a video?

1. I don't have the time.  Make the time.  Make a calendar and have a plan.

2. I don't have enough equipment!  Use your Iphone or Droid.

3. I suck on video.

My encouragement to is, Just Do It! 

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13 Minutes A Day On Linkedin!


I want to challenge you to spend 13 minutes a day on Linkedin.  Alot of times I get complaints that Linkedin doesn't work.  I always ask one question back.  When was the last time that you were on Linkedin.  I was surprised to hear, "1 year, 6 months or haven't been back on Linkedin since I set up my profile". Not sure how anyone expect to have results if they are never on.

So here is my 13 minutes  a day on Linkedin.

A.  (2 min)  View - who’s looking at your profile.

B.  (4 min)  Connect -Send some messages to connect. Make them custom to your  target Market

C.  (3 min)  CheckTabs - Home, My Network, Jobs, Messaging  and Notifications. You don't want to miss anything.

D  (4 min) Accepting  - Accept invitations that make sense.  Create your own rules around who you will connect with.  I shared mine in the video. 

If you do this 13 minutes a day, 5 days a week you will have results. 

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Engaging more on Instagram.

Uncategorized Jul 16, 2020

So many people post on Instagram and never engage with anyone.  I want to encourage you today to try this.  Start liking posts of your target market or ideal client.  Do about 100 which takes less than 5 minutes.  Then post!  You will get some followers and also more comments on your posts. 

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Show Some Love On Social Media!

kindness love social media Jul 08, 2020

Take the time to be kind and show some love on Social Media as a business meeting.

I see so many business owners out there sharing their products and services and not even listening to what their ideal client needs.

So as a business owner how do show some love.  

1. Donate your services to someone in need.

2. Participate in a fundraiser.

3. You could share and participate and share your knowledge on someones post.

Try to be be kind and show some love starting today. You never know who might need it.  Here is a a great quote I would love to inspire you with.

You cannot do kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.      Ralph Waldo Emerson 


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Do You Have A Successful Facebook Business Page?


I spend a lot of time working on different facebook business pages, and some are and instant success and some need work.  So today I want to walk you through a few things that will make your FB page successful.

1. First impressions are everything!  Think about it when you go to a business event you would not go with your hair not combed.  Or you would go with holes in your pants.  You would put your best look forward.  It's the same with your facebook business page so you want to put your best look forward.  

2. Craft a great looking cover photo.  You don't know how many times I go to different pages that don't have a cover photo at.  Get creative and put one up or hire someone to design one.  

3. Make sure your "About" section is complete.  Take advantage of this section by completing all the informations about yourself.  Including some clickable links that you can insert.

4. Effective headlines matter. If while...

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Is visual content important on Social Media?


Visual content is very important

A reminder that so many online marketers say that visual content is important to include when posting online.  How about you? How is your visual content doing today?

1.  People really like visuals

2.  Visual content increases views 

3.  Visuals help with engagement

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Quick Social Media Tips

Uncategorized Jun 18, 2020

3 Ways that you can help your business succeed on Social Media!

1. Start a conversation. - Remember FB and Instagram reward those who interact.  They show your posts more. 

2. Show a appreciation - It’s an opportunity for you to connect, in a meaningful way, with the people who have helped you and supported you in business. 

3. Stand out.  Don't be like everyone else, be different but not crazy different. 

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