Gaining Exposure with more Linkedin posts!

Uncategorized Apr 16, 2019

Every time you publish a post or article on LinkedIn are they showing up on the feed?  Are the people seeing the posts? The algorithm on Linkedin determines whether the content shows up in the feed and how far of the audience it reaches.

In the video above I share posting styles in the order of getting the highest views: (at least this is the truth today)

1. Text only posts:  You can have up to 1300 characters in a personal post

2. Text & image:  Add an image if it really adds to the value to your post

3.  Video post:  Please keep it under a minute and only talk about one topic. Don't bore people!

4. Text with a link:  LinkedIn as with other social sites wants to keep you on their site as long as possible so they give less favor to outbound links. So use this style as a last resort!


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