What does your Twitter Bio say?

Uncategorized Jun 21, 2019

Here are some tips to write a twitter bio for your profile.

1. State clearly what you do. Your audience should be able to know what you exactly do.

2. Use keywords in your bio.

3. If you want people to remember you, use a funny/unusual line in your Twitter bio. Do you have a quirky personality? Let the world know about it through your author bio. Only use this if it's really who you are.

4. Include hashtags in your author bio. This will help you connect with similar people and people who are looking for you. 

5. A Twitter bio without call-to-action will not help you generate leads. So to make your website a lead generation machine, you must include a call-to-action in your Twitter bio.

6. What is your biggest achievement? Have you achieved something recently? If so, you should mention it in your Twitter bio. Doing so will work as social proof. For example I wrote a book so I put it on my BIO.

7. Lastly if you can fit it in your bio use some emojis :) This will make you stand out too. 


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