I’m a person who loves walking on the beach. Every once in a while, I find a great shell or a very cool rock. One time I found a bottle with a message in it, and it wasn’t S.O.S. (Who remembers the song “Message in the Bottle” song by Police?) It was a yellow piece of paper that said: You are loved. I don’t know who sent it, but the message was clear, and for the rest of the day, I was quite encouraged. Why am I telling you this? I’m telling you this to spur you on to make sure your message is clear and out there when you are working on social media posts for your business. Here are some pointers for you:
1. Keep it simple, short and sweet. Sometimes the shorter, the better. I love Nike’s slogan: “Just Do It.”
It is short, but you get the point. You don’t want to put your audience to sleep with a long and drawn-out post.
2. Always post relevant content. There is a question I always ask myself when posting. Will this content help my audience? If not, then I don’t post it. I ask this question even when I’m sharing someone else’s content. Having relevant content will keep your audience coming back.
3. Stay consistent. You want your audience when reading your content to hear you and your voice. Staying consistent is the only way to do that. I tell my clients that all the time. I ask them for content so I can hear their voices and make sure all company messages sound the same. I have a colleague who always says stuff like, “Good Morning, Buttercup.” That is her voice. If I said something like that, my audience would know right away that wasn’t me.
4. Inspire your audience. The message in the bottle inspired me and made me feel good for the rest of the day. This is how you want your audience to feel when they read your content. It creates the need to come back. And sometimes it inspires your audience to share, which is a big bonus.
4. Share your knowledge about your niche. When people see how much you know and are willing to share, they will come back for more. This helps them recognize how much you know. The bottom line is, that if you know a little bit more than your audience, it will make you very marketable.
5. Make your marketing message stand out. Be attractive, so viewers (potential clients) will stay when they land on your page. Make sure you are sending the message on your social media pages that they are welcome. Being friendly is the best policy when it comes to standing out. Also, make your posts fresh, but not too outlandish. Super Bowl commercials are usually great, but some stand out more than others. Who remembers the Anheuser-Busch Clydesdales? Everyone. What about the “Puppy, Baby, Monkey” ads? That particular commercial was a bit of an epic fail. Why? Everyone was so freaked out by it, that they couldn’t remember that the ad was for Mountain Dew.
6. Be real. Be authentic, be yourself. Show that you care through your branding. Show that you have feelings through your posts. Remember this: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Part of being real is to show your audience through your branding how much you care.
I hope this helps you in your journey of messaging.