Stop Playing Small On Linkedin


1.  Write a note.  Make it personal.

2. Nurture your connections.  Reach out and learn about them.

3. Don't sell.  If you just meet someone don't sell them right away.

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Linkedin Recommendations!


Have you asked for one lately?

Don't neglect this part of your Linkedin profile.  People do look at them. And it shows that you are real person conducting real business.  


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Reach Out and Touch Someone On Linkedin!


There are so many things we can do on Linkedin.  I want you to concentrate on creating relationships with people on Linkedin.  What does this look like.  

1.  Connect with people you already know that you have not connected with yet on Linkedin.

2. Connect with people you don't know.

3. Use the search bar to research potential clients and then reach out to them.

4. Don't forget to make sure profile is complete.

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Do You Check These 3 Things On Linkedin?


I believe that you should check these 3 tab on Linkedin Monday through Friday!

1.  The home tab: When you go to the home tab there is a "Who's viewed your profile" hyperlink that you should click.  This is right under your small picture and description. Know who views your profile helps in seeing if you are attracting your idea clients.

2. The My Network tab:  This is where you accept who you want to connect with.  Remember to write a person note when connecting with people.

3. The Message tab.  This where people send you messages.  This week I connected with so many people who wrote me message.  This is important in keeping the dialogue going..

Please remember look in these 3 tabs it could be vital to growing your business. 

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Some Linkedin Etiquette For You!


Linkedin is great for networking, but are you doing it right.  A lot of people on Linkedin lack etiquette when it comes to reaching out to someone.  This video shares some examples of good and bad reaching out.  

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Are You On Linkedin?


The number 1 reason to be on Linkedin is that the people on the platform on average make 109 Thousand dollars.   What a great opportunity we have.

Here are a few tips to get you started right away or improve what you already started on Linkedin.

1. Complete your profile 100%.  People do read profiles.

2. Don't be Boring.  Make your content compelling.  Make your profile client facing to attract the right people to your business.

3. Connect with everyone.  The jury is still out on this one.  As long it's viable person with a real business, then certainly connect.  If you're just connecting with friends and family you will get business anyways but with someone you don't know it gives you a chance for something new.

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