Are You On Linkedin?


The number 1 reason to be on Linkedin is that the people on the platform on average make 109 Thousand dollars.   What a great opportunity we have.

Here are a few tips to get you started right away or improve what you already started on Linkedin.

1. Complete your profile 100%.  People do read profiles.

2. Don't be Boring.  Make your content compelling.  Make your profile client facing to attract the right people to your business.

3. Connect with everyone.  The jury is still out on this one.  As long it's viable person with a real business, then certainly connect.  If you're just connecting with friends and family you will get business anyways but with someone you don't know it gives you a chance for something new.

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Hey This is just a quick Video. Enjoy

So here just main tips I shared.

1. Make an education Video. 

2. Make sure you put a Call to Action in your Video. 

3. Don't be boring.

4. Do a Behind the Scenes Video.

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