Many people in business lose time daily while trolling and participating on the various social media platforms. Unfortunately, you can never get that time back. Getting more time in your day can be as simple as making some minor changes. We know there are only so many hours available, and adding more is just not possible. I think it’s important here to touch on the fact that we don’t want to waste any time while we are working on our social media marketing.
These three practices help me get more accomplished in the time I have available, and they help me spend my time wisely, especially when on different social media platforms.
1. Avoid unnecessary interruptions on social media. How many times have you been immersed in a project or savvy post on Facebook only to get interrupted by a notification or an instant message? Then when you finally get back to what you were doing, you totally forget where you were. The best way to handle this is not to be interrupted at all....
In business, it is so important to know why you do what you do. I think knowing the reason you do something is half the battle of succeeding in business. The same is true with social media—you should know why!
If you are not very clear on the “why” behind your actions, you have a good chance of failing. Being clear about why you are in business and having a compelling story can be a foundation for your success. For me, it keeps me moving forward.
My “why” is pretty simple. I do my “Biz Gone Social” to help entrepreneurs and small business owners succeed in their businesses by utilizing social media for their marketing. Nothing makes me feel better and more fulfilled than to be able to help someone else succeed. For me, it’s about helping someone who is struggling to find the solutions for improvement and growth.
Not only can I help others succeed, but I also get personal benefits in addition to professional fulfillment. I make...
Back in the day, while my son was using our car he got a flat tire. He did not know what to do so he kept on driving. In doing this he ruined the tire. Then he finally called us. So my husband went to save the day. However, the nuts were on so tight that none of the tools in his van could get them off. So he came home.
Then he went back with me because my sons were out to try to get on the spare again and he could not get the tire off. Now my confession here is I have never changed a tire before so I’m just watching this whole process. After watching him wrestle with this tire, I would never want to change a tire. Plus kneeling down on gravel didn’t look very exciting. Plus I started thinking what if I have to change a tire in a dress? Oh man, I’m shit out of luck! No doubt about it I’m starting to appreciate my husband even more. Now I want you to know that my husband has had the privilege of changing many tires and this one was no...
Even today, many small business owners are scared of marketing their companies with social media. They continued doing what they had always been doing and getting the same results. Does that sound like you and your business?
As I’ve talked with different owners over the years, I’ve come up against the same old comments about social media. I believe most of the objections about social media are based on fears of moving into the realm of the unknown. Do you have a fear of social media marketing?
Let’s talk about some of the recurring objections that keep you from utilizing some of the best marketing tools on the planet.
Objection # 1 – I don’t understand how social media can help me.
There are a lot of things in life we don’t understand, but that is not a reason to avoid them. Think about all the things we do now that we really don’t understand. We use our cell phones, but when we first got them, we had no clue; we had to learn. Now they are...
Social media can be a great way to build a relationship with your customers and fans, but it can also be a huge time-sink. Here are 3 ways that you can help your business succeed on social media:
Remember Facebook and Instagram reward those who interact. They show your posts more if you are interacting with others who are interacting with you.
Also, another way of showing appreciation, posting meaningful content is another great way to show your...