A Lesson in Social Media From A Flat Tire Moment

Back in the day, while my son was using our car he got a flat tire. He did not know what to do so he kept on driving. In doing this he ruined the tire. Then he finally called us. So my husband went to save the day. However, the nuts were on so tight that none of the tools in his van could get them off. So he came home.  

Then he went back with me because my sons were out to try to get on the spare again and he could not get the tire off. Now my confession here is I have never changed a tire before so I’m just watching this whole process. After watching him wrestle with this tire, I would never want to change a tire. Plus kneeling down on gravel didn’t look very exciting. Plus I started thinking what if I have to change a tire in a dress? Oh man, I’m shit out of luck! No doubt about it I’m starting to appreciate my husband even more.  Now I want you to know that my husband has had the privilege of changing many tires and this one was no exception but it did not happen. He could not get the lug nuts off. Oh, I never want to change a tire.

While I was with my husband I related this experience to using Social Media in business. 

Here are 4 lessons I learned.

1. Some business owners need to know how to use Social Media but don’t want to. We should all learn how to do something we don’t want to. In this case, using Social Media in our business can bring us more visibility and put us in front of potential clients. Just like I know I don’t want to change a tire but knowing how to will save me someday when I don’t have my husband to do it.

2. Some business owners need to get taught Social Media by someone on how to do it right. I’ve watched my husband and many others over the years change a tire. I’m confident that I can change a tire if the lug nuts are easy to get off. Social Media is the same way if you hire someone to teach you how to do the right way, as a business owner you will have the skills to do it yourself. Also, your business will have a big opportunity to grow.

3. Social Media in some cases needs to be contracted out. Business owners get really busy with doing what they are passionate about and they just do not have the time to learn how to use Social Media correctly to find targeted clients. Sometimes when all the tried ways are not working for you, maybe you just need to hire someone to do it for you.

4. Social Media takes a lot of patience so don’t quit. As I write this my husband just went back to the car with a friend who is a car mechanic. Hopefully, they will get the tire off and the spare on. I’m really impressed by how persistent and patient he was. He did not quit. The same with Social Media we have to be patient, in time your reach will grow, and more ideal clients will notice you. It just takes time.

There are many things you need in your business to grow. Social Media is just one tool to help grow your business. Learn how to use it wisely in your business, and don’t shy away from it. What are some ways you have used Social Media in your business? What are some ways I can support you in using it? Let me know! Drop me a line below!


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