Tips On How To Create Great Social Media Platforms!

Creating a great social media platform is not an easy task. We live in a world where everyone is bombarded with marketing every day. Everyone that visits your page has to want to keep returning back to it!

Here are my top tips for creating great social media platforms:

1. Post what your audience really likes! We've all done it—posted a message on social media and received little or no response. There have even been times when we've posted something that we thought was super funny or interesting, and everything just went dead quiet. Likewise, there have been times when we've posted and people jumped all over it! So what gives?

It's not you, it's them. It's the audience you're trying to reach, and they don't want to hear what you have to say right now.

Social media is like every other form of communication in that it has its own language and etiquette—and if you don't know it, then the message you're trying to convey won't get through. If you want people to respond to your...

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