Tips On How To Create Great Social Media Platforms!

Creating a great social media platform is not an easy task. We live in a world where everyone is bombarded with marketing every day. Everyone that visits your page has to want to keep returning back to it!

Here are my top tips for creating great social media platforms:

1. Post what your audience really likes! We've all done it—posted a message on social media and received little or no response. There have even been times when we've posted something that we thought was super funny or interesting, and everything just went dead quiet. Likewise, there have been times when we've posted and people jumped all over it! So what gives?

It's not you, it's them. It's the audience you're trying to reach, and they don't want to hear what you have to say right now.

Social media is like every other form of communication in that it has its own language and etiquette—and if you don't know it, then the message you're trying to convey won't get through. If you want people to respond to your posts, then learn how they communicate with each other and adapt accordingly!

2. Put a branded look on your content. You are the expert on your content. You know what to say and how to say it, but the way you present it is just as important.

You could just post your content in plain text and let it speak for itself—and that's fine! But why not take the time to make sure that it looks as good as it reads?

One of the best ways to do this is by putting a branded look on your content. This can be a logo, a feel, or a color. Make it scream YOU!

3. Focus on relevant, niche-down content. If you're implementing tip #1 from this content, this one won't be hard: Angle your post to a particular niche (e.g., photographers). For example, if you're writing to photographers then focus on the content for them.

If you're writing to photographers, then make sure that you're putting in relevant keywords that are specific to photography. For example, if your post is about how to take a better photo of flowers, use words like "flowers" and "photography" in your post. You can also mention other types of photography like portraits or landscapes as well.

4. Theme your content! I am a big fan of themed niche-down content.

One month I'll write about Instagram; the next month Facebook; and so on and so on. If you theme your content it makes it easier to write about because each post has its own focus and purpose within an overarching theme.

If you're not sure what to write about, think about what your target audience wants to read. What do they want to know? What do they need help with? What are their biggest pain points/struggles?

Hopefully, you've found some of these tips useful. Of course, it doesn't hurt to step back and take a look at your platform objectively every once in a while. Are you providing a valuable product or service? If so, people will come to your page naturally. Don't hesitate to reach out when you're ready to start marketing.


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