How do you add value to your audience on social media? I’m always asking that question. Really, it all has to do with the content you're sharing. These five essential tips will help you add value:
1. Share what you know. Don’t leave anything out. Don’t hold back. The more you share, the more you’re noticed. The best thing is, if you don’t hold back, you are probably sharing some things that will really help your audience.
2. Share great pictures. I hate blurry pictures. Everyone hates blurry pictures. Try to share great pictures. Better yet, share high-quality pictures with great content on them.
We live in a visual age. I’m sure if you share a great graphic, your audience will respond.
3. Share great resource links. While browsing the Internet if you see something that might benefit your audience, share it with them. It doesn’t always have to be your own content.
4. Share great videos. All I can say is, that videos are in. Are you doing any? I have to confess, I am slacking in this area. But I will tell you this one thing—when I do post a video, I get a lot of hits to my website.
5. Share your stories. People love a good story, especially on social media. And stories give the opportunity for building connections. Give it a shot; share a truly authentic story.
What are doing to add value to your audience on social media?